You should find a way to embed your photos in your site. Simpleviewer may be flashy and cool, but it’s actually just showing that you use ready-made tools, which does not go well with the creative aspect of a photographer.
Even if it seems boring, try the embedded gallery feature of WordPress 2.5, and add a lighbox plugin for that. It’ll give you a page for every gallery, and the lightbox plugin will make the image pop up when you click on a thumbnail. All within your own site, withough going to other sites/domains, without breaking the flow of the page. Because lighbox is sort of transparent, makes itself part of the site.
THEN you might want look at a way to make your site look less like a blog.
Blogs are nice. For frequently updated stuff. For your private diary you want to share, or even for newsbits where you tell people about specials you might have for mothers day etc.
But because you have a relatively standard navigation layout, it looks like joe’s gadget blog or jim’s recipe blog or daniel’s private diary … blog.
Must look more artsy. (okay, I made that one, but not with WP) (definately not WP, but artsy …)
They all use BIG images to impress right from the start. I don’t want to read about your work, I want to SEE it. That’s why photoblogs usually look like this: (okay, another one of mine [even done in WordPress], but you get the point)
Years ago, a lot of artists and photographers were afraid of people printing their works, and decided to only put miniature pictures on their websites. Which meant that potential clients couldn’t see their work properly. Not anymore.
BTW: I like your work. Especially the infrared is interesting. I heard only a handful of photographers have the equipment AND knowledge. Great stuff!