Hi @autori76,
To track “unique” views the plugin would need to be able to identify visitors somehow (eg. IP addresses) and keep track of what they’re viewing on your website.
To be completely honestly I’m not interested in implementing such feature because:
- It’s not a minor request, implementing such feature in a reliable way would require quite a few hours of work (storing IP addresses to identify visitors, keep track of everything they have viewed on a given IP address, display a GDPR notice telling visitors that the plugin needs their permission to track their activity (and make it smart enough to not track anything should they decline), and possibly other stuff I’m not thinking of at the moment);
- That would make the plugin not GDPR compliant, and I really don’t want to deal with GDPR stuff.
WordPress Popular Posts is 100% open source and has decent documentation (see Wiki) so you may want to consider reaching out to the people who maintain your website (or hiring a developer) to get assistance with all this.
If you have any further comments / questions please let me know.