• Plugin Author Curtis V. Schleich


    Hello all! As of version 1.10.2, there is now a Whitelist Strings box on the Anchor <a> Behavior tab! For most of you using the custom jQuery selector with it’s very picky syntax, you can probably just use the whitelist feature now. You simply give it one or more whitelist strings separated by a comma and you don’t have to worry about getting that ever so picky jQuery syntax exactly right.

    So, whitelisting should be a simple matter from here forward. I’m also hoping to keep this plugin up to date better than I have in the past. As always, I welcome your feedback!

    Thanks all!

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  • Great news to see the plugin coming back, it’s something I really need for one of my clients. Any idea when it will be available to download/install from the repository again?

    Plugin Author Curtis V. Schleich


    Hi, @tinpeas! I’m working on ironing out a few security concerns with the WordPress Plugin team. As soon as I can get those issues ironed out, it will be back. I would hop within the next week or so. In the mean time, if you’d like to try the new version as a download, please feel free to email me at the address in the footer of the Exit Notifier settings pages.

    Hi @cvscvstechcom

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Unfortunately I had to remove the plugin from the 16 sites I was using it on because of the security issue, that’s why I’m so pleased it is coming back. This plugin is gold, there is nothing I could find that does the same thing.

    I will keep my eyes peeled and hopefully I can get it back installed soon!

    Hey @cvscvstechcom

    Any news on this yet? Sorry for the hassle but I am getting it a bit my end.

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