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  • Hello lottiejam,

    Before the plugin author solves the problem, you can disable sending activation email to new registrant by adding code below into your theme/child theme functions.php

    /* disable sending activation emails */
    /* place this in your child theme's function.php */
    add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_activation_key', create_function('','return false;') );

    Or I also put the code on Pastebin:

    Budi Nusyirwan

    Thanks, Budi, that did work for disabling the activation email.

    I made that change as you noted, but now I am noticing that it no longer sends an email to the admin to let them know someone signed up and needs to be approved. Do you have any thoughts on how to fix that?

    Thanks again,

    Hello Jim,

    As you said, it also not send the info of new registration. I didn’t realize it before you posted because I always login into dashboard and find new user there. Sorry. ??

    I will check it again and let you know how then.


    Hi guys,

    Default workflow is:

    - User signs up
    - User receives 'activation email' (essentially, verifying their email address is correct)
    - Upon activation, approval of the account is required. The approval email is triggered at this point. User can now login, but much of their profile is hidden to the public.
    - Approval occurs. User now has wider site access.

    You are not receiving the admin email, because activation link is never clicked.
    I do like your suggestion of rearranging these steps though.

    I’ll see if I can find a fix.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Marking resolved. If you have any related issue, please start a new thread.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    To add clarification to this as I’ve manage to find time to tinker and kick tires.

    The activation email does go out to the user, yes, and they can get themselves activated and log in to the site. HOWEVER if they’re marked for moderation still, then they aren’t able to see the actual BuddyPress content. They are instead redirected to their user profile until approved.

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