• ” Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /my/code/name/www/blg/wp-settings.php on line 113 “

    It showed up on the install log-in page with several other refering to this 113
    and it shows at the very top of the finished blog page.

    Now what?
    delete and reinstall, upload in ASCII, chemod? or what?
    start from sratch?

    Thank you!

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  • Well, I grew bored and decided if I could test to within my ability whether the above was true. So I downloaded xampp and and installed the “whole enchilada” as it were, xampp for windows at least does use php 5 right of the bat. Anyway long story short everything works flawlessly as I can tell. I don’t see any of these problems on the server I just installed. Running XP pro and the recent stable version of xampp. It should be said though that I have actually set up all three seperatly successfully and this was using an installer. I was actually surprised with the results this time though. It was about as painless as it could be. So yeah. This definatly is not gonna be a problem if your host is using php5.

    Thread Starter xyz


    well, it says here: https://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php
    Latest stable version:
    phpMyAdmin 2.6.1-pl3

    That’s the one I have in my account on my host;
    not sure if that’s the cause of my above “problem”

    I have the exact problems xyz and Fidel are having… and tried everything… including deleting spaces etc… and the “patch from above” and the other code hacks… i am using BBedit… and no luck.. I REALLY WANT TO USE WORDPRESS… but have no luck WHATSOEVER… if anyone (xyz/fidel/bhandtc/ryan, etc… ) found a way to fix this PLEASE reply.. or email me at [email protected] (i have a few invites left) …. i really want to use this ssystem.. but it might look ike i will have to go with nucleus or a competitor… so sad… i cant get rid of the foreach() error on line 113… and there is some other patch if you search fro “foreach()” but that lets me get to plugins and NOT activate any of them.. i even installed with NO plugins.. and still no luck.. im am so desperate its not even funny… 5 minutes turned to 5 hours for me. ?? please.. *cough*… help… *chough*.. please….

    one post says:

    Doh. The answer was in these forums all along.
    in wp-settings.php
    change ‘foreach ($current_plugins as $plugin)’
    to ‘foreach ((array)$current_plugins as $plugin)’
    Another one line edit does the trick.

    Well.. that didnt work… ?? please.. can anyone help?

    btw… i am using surpass hosting.
    PHP version 4.3.10
    MySQL version 4.0.22-standard
    cPanel Build 10.0.0-EDGE 137

    ok.. so if anyone is isnterested my phpinfo is at:

    maybe that will help???

    pls.. pls… help….


    OK.. the problem is now fixed. just wanted to leave a quick update…
    i emailed support for surpass hosting and they fized it. i think if this error comes up it is generall a server/hosting problem. i cant think of anthing else… because i was installing it right and fantastico was installing it right… so that leaves only the hosting place to “blame”. they fixed it expediently.. another reason to try https://www.surpasshosting.com … And now.. it even installs correctly via fantastico!!! yay!! any more questions msg me on AIM: digitallau . cheers!

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