Hey Dallas,
That widget isn’t a part of our plugin. From what you described it sounds like it’s part of your theme.
The theme is designed by Automattic, but is one of your free layouts.
You may be confusing us with someone else as we don’t have any association with the Publication theme and don’t offer any themes or layouts, we simply offer an independent Instagram feed plugin which you can install and use with any theme by placing the [instagram-feed] shortcode into your page. Is our ‘Instagram Feed’ plugin installed on your site? Could you check your WordPress Plugins page? To use our plugin you would need to first install it by searching for ‘Instagram Feed’ after clicking ‘Add New’ in your WordPress Plugins page, and then following these directions.
We don’t have a widget as part of our plugin. To use our plugin to display your feed in a widget you would just copy and paste the [instagram-feed] shortcode into a default WordPress ‘Text’ widget, as shown in step 8 of the setup directions.
Let me know whether that makes sense, and I hope you’re having a good weekend.