Hello @zeonadmin
I am sorry to hear you have this issue.
I’ve visited your site with Chrome and embed opt-in is loading well from my end, please see this screenshots:
Mobile View
Please clear browser cache in Chrome, follow instructions from here and see if the appearance is fixed. If dashboard is not showing in Chrome after this, please check if it is loading in Incognito mode.
Unless the above embeds are shortcode, and the issue still persists, please run a quick test for a conflict with another plugin:
– Temporary deactivate all plugins, except Hustle and check if it is working
– If all is well, activate one plugin at the time, till the issue will appear again, to find out which plugin may be causing it.
Let us know what is your PHP version and make sure the WordPress is updated to the latest version.
If after test for a conflict the issue still persists, please create a test page with enabled embed opt-in inside and share a link with us.
Finally, I do not see a way to download my leads? How soon will this be fixed? (We try to get back to leads within 24 hrs of sign up).
Please add a test email to an embed opt-in from the front end and View Email List will show up. Please see this screenshot:

Please advise