• site=www.greenflyshop.com/blog theme=mistylook
    I wanted to change my header image from the old one I’d created, so I went in to themes and clicked “custom header”, then “upload” and then selected my img file and tried to upload it. (This is the exact same way I uploaded the header that I had before, and it worked fine.) Wp said that it was a successful upload and that I could visit the site to see the changes, but when I go to the site, there is no image available. The only image that works is the original one that came with the theme (a tree and a lake…) I tried editing the img location in the CSS file, changing the img name to the original img name in the CSS file and installing different themes to see if I could get the logo to work with them but nothing . . .I also tried refreshing my browser, clearing my cache, etc . . . I’ve searched all over for an answer! I’m not sure if this is a wordpress issue or a theme issue, though it seems like more of a wordpress issue since all of the themes are giving me this problem. Suggestions?

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  • Hi,

    You need to edit either header.php or style.css file and add the desired file of the image in the code.

    If you are trying to upload the image through media uploader then assign 766 recursive permissions to wp-contents folder.


    Shane G.

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