New Hack: List nearby posts
I’ve cobbled together this little hack to show a list of posts which are close to the current one, including their distance in miles. There’s still lots of work to do on it, but I thought I’d share it here first and someone with more time than I might improve it.
Copy and paste the code below into a file, saving it as filenamenearby.php
in your wordpress plugins directory. Login to the admin section of your wordpress blog. Activate the plugin.
Now insertshow_nearby_posts( [int limit] );
anywhere within the main content loop in index.php (whereint limit
is an optional limit of results to show, default 5).
Mode: php
Plugin Name: Nearby
Plugin URI:
Description: Show list of other blog entries, ordered by geographic proximity
Author: Eoin Dubsky
Author URI:
Version: 0.1
*/function show_nearby_posts($limit = 5) {
global $post;
global $wpdb;
if (!get_settings('use_geo_positions')) return;
if (longitude_invalid()) return;
// SQL query goes through location of each post, working out distance from current one. Based on
// tips found at and elsewhere.
// @@ ToDo: Create temp table of posts which I know are likely to be closeby because their coords
// are similar.
$query = "
SELECT ID, post_status, post_date, post_title, post_lat, post_lon, abs( 3956 * acos( sin( radians( $post->post_lat ) ) * sin( radians( post_lat ) ) + cos( radians( $post->post_lat ) ) * cos( radians( post_lat ) ) * cos( radians( post_lon - $post->post_lon ) ) ) ) AS distance
FROM wp_posts
WHERE ID != $post->ID
ORDER BY distance
LIMIT $limit
$nearbyposts = $wpdb->get_results($query);
foreach( $nearbyposts as $npost ) {
echo "ID . "\">" . $npost->post_title . " (" . round($npost->distance) . " miles away)<br/>\n";
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