• The new WordPress Gutenberg Editor prevents this plugin from showing up, what a pity, hope it can be fixed.

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  • True. This is a nice plugin. I hope it can be made compatible with Gutenberg.

    this plugin is dead ??

    Hello !

    I hope this plugin will be compatible with Gutenberg soon.
    Please tell us about your will for the future of WordPress.


    Thread Starter mitchellk


    Anyone who perhaps knows how to override things in the wordpress admin?

    Wordpress creates a <div id="metaboxes" class="hidden"> in the editor, if you inspect this in chrome developer tools you will see it has a display:none; while in developer tools if you toggle display:none; you will see the next/prev buttons re-appear at the top.

    Now to find out how to over-ride this???

    Here is what I did:

    Add an WP Admin stylesheet to functions.php

    // Custom WordPress Admin CSS
    function admin_css() {
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'admin_css', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style_admin.css' );
    add_action('admin_print_styles', 'admin_css' );

    Create a file: style_admin.css with the following CSS and put it in your child theme main directory:

    .wrap.hide-if-js.block-editor-no-js {
        display: block !important;
        margin-top: 50px !important;

    What I don’t like is how the page displays when first loading but once fully loaded you can see the buttons. I plan on removing the admin stylesheet when I don’t need the post nav buttons. If someone has tweaks to this that will work better… please share.

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