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  • Hello MZBS

    An solution has been found, and an update will be out soon with the option to have the new design. You can get this new design from either the shortcode

    [googlemaps new_design=true]

    or programmatically by passing into

    pronamic_google_maps( array( 'new_design' => true ) );

    Keep an eye out for the update!

    If you want to know how we did it, you can see the commit here:

    I just tried it with a mashup and it did not work, is it limited to non mashups at the moment? Running a build from github

    if ( function_exists( 'pronamic_google_maps_mashup' ) ) {
    			'post_type'      => 'memorial',
    			'new_design' => true,
    			'nopaging'       => true
    		), array(
    			'width'          => '100%',
    			'height'         => '100%',
    			'map_type_id'    => 'roadmap',
    			'marker_options' => array(
    				'icon' => ''
    			'map_options' => array(
    				'styles' => array(
    					(object) array(
    						'stylers'     => array(
    							(object) array( 'visibility' => 'simplified' ),
    							(object) array( 'hue'        => '#C76054' )

    Hello pinktank,

    We realized that the setting for using freshDesign for Google Maps was a alteration to the global object. This meant it made more sense that choosing to use the freshDesign was a global setting.

    I just looked through the code and realized we had incorrectly called the option for the fresh design. The github repository has been updated now.

    You should see the new settings page, which includes at the bottom, the choice to use the Fresh Design.

    Tick that and all will be good.

    View post on

    The new “Use Google Maps Visual Refresh” option in the current development version at the github repository works fine for me.

    I can confirm that it does work for me as well

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