Hey @asafm7, thanks for your patience and following up. We’ve spent quite some time looking more deeply into this issue.
When we developed and tested the fix, it seemed that Google removed their inline CSS after initialisation. That’s why you couldn’t find the CSS in your developer tools on May 15th. That was good for us, because it allowed our CSS to take effect, once we fixed a race condition.
Unfortunately, Google seems to have changed their script. Now, they always add a huge pile of inline !important
CSS on each of their ads elements. This is overpowering every other CSS selector and leaving no sensible way to influence the display with CSS only.
We also considered clicking away the element with our plugin’s click selector, but that won’t work because the ad only comes in after scrolling the page beyond a certain threshold. Additionally, our click selector fires at the beginning of the page load, to click away cookie banners and allow for additional content or styles to be loaded as a result. That’s why we can’t simply delay the execution logic.
There are other ways to work around this issue – like Ad blockers, resource blockers, JavaScript injection, etc. – and we’re certainly considering them, but they’re all features that need thorough planning, no quick fixes.
However, it should be possible for you to exclude the ads script execution only for requests coming from our screenshot service IP. It seems that plugins like Ad Inserter and Advanced Ads provide such IP exclusion settings. That said, you’ll likely have to fine tune it to work with your site cache.
The feature suggestion to jump to the next/previous difference within the screenshot alert is great! We’ve recently discussed such feature on a concept level already. Implementing this in an image context does present some complexity, but it’s definitely something we are eager to explore further.
Again, thanks for the feedback and the encouragement. We’re always looking to improve VRTs based on real-world use cases like yours.