Thanks for the response.
On 1) – I don’t see where I get the ability to manage category subscriptions in that list. I have to click each individual user to do that, I can’t do it in bulk. My proposal is to add a set of checkboxes (or possibly a multiselect when there would be too many categories) to allow for the bulk management of category subscriptions.
2) That was the plan – to give the option to create real user accounts and the subsequent ability to manage category subscriptions.
3) Understandable. I’m not keen on the feature anyway (mail filters anyone?)
Let me describe why these features are needed for us: A department here posts all their administrative updates to a wordpress blog, categorizing them logically. They would like to – each semester – load a list of students / faculty into category subscriptions so they can just post to their administrative blog and know everyone is getting the relevant messages.
So a more flexible bulk editing and import feature would get them 99% of the way there, and I’m tasked with getting it to happen. Ideally, I wouldn’t have to fork my work into a separate plugin given that subscribe2 does most of what we need already.
So – if these features sound like something you’d be willing to accept as a patch to subscribe2, I’m happy to do the work and submit them. If not, I’ll just fork it and/or write my own plugin.
If you’re interested, we should probably talk off-list to discuss how we’ll collaborate.
Thanks! Let me know either way.