• Resolved Paul Bursnall


    I purchased the extensions bundle on 18th of June on the understanding that any new extension released after that date would be available to use, fully licensed, until 18th June 2016.

    Now, I can’t update Verified Users because I’m not authorized to do so. On your site I have 0/999 activations, with the expiration date as above. If the license key isn’t activated, I don’t know what I can do. I have it installed, activated, and triple checked the key. How can I update this plugin?

    It was good to see some updates show for UM. It’s by far the most suitable plugin for my project but no longer has any community, and the Trello board seems to have died altogether (minus community input). I think we’d all like some reassurance Ultimate Member is going to continue in the direction it started.


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  • Col_Blimp


    Closing the forum seems a bit odd given its unlikely that only one person is going to have the same problem and a solution shared helps everyone but a support ticket helps them track issues better, I had reason to create a ticket a few days ago and got a speedy reply so given that and the fact the plugin author has taken the time to incorporate the plugin as a company then I’m going on to purchase the bundle.

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    Hi Style,

    This issue has been caused by a recent update to EDD. Can you do a little test for me please. Can you login to our website and go to your my-downloads page and then enter the homepage url of your site in the manage sites area.

    Then once you have done that, go back to plugins page and update the plugin and see if it works or not.

    UM is growing and will get better. Last two/three months we’ve had a significant increase in support load so we have had to focus on that. We have just hired someone to help with support which will allow us to start working on more development.




    Hi Ultimate Member,

    What are the more development? Are you going to release others extension? I suggest to fix the performances and some global issues immediately.

    I’ll let you know some experiences so far after using UM for about 2 months.
    1. The looks and features are great!
    2. It’s slowing down my admin section.
    3. No updates lately regarding performances and lot of suggestions made by users. No news about what can be implemented soon or can’t be implemented at all. Most of your answers in the forum are “Not available at the moment” or “Will discuss as a team”. But no follow up for “Will discuss as a team” promises.

    I am also a core extensions bundle buyer, I can’t speak about paid extensions here, but let me remind you about some bugs/unfinished features of Social Activity extension, because only here I can get the respond.

    1. No news when the unfinished features will be finished even that was stated months ago on your trello board.
    2. Support answers were getting too long lately. I got answers after 4/5 days and get another answers few days later after replying the first answer.

    I don’t mind if something unfinished or unresolved yet, but let me/us know what happen. Closing forum for paid extensions buyer was very annoying. I know, many paid customers out there are feeling the same.

    Thank you.



    Hear, hear re. the lack of news and updates, plus the closure of the forums – killed the community in an instance (slightly ironically).

    Posted three support tickets on Monday. No acknowledgement or response in 5 days.

    Hopefully things, including the dissemination of news, will pick up now the support person is on board.




    Just heard from Calum of the UM team via another channel.

    With their new hire, work on extensions has kicked off again. Yippee!!


    Thread Starter Paul Bursnall



    I seem to have inadvertently opened a can of worms here. Although I echo the thoughts above – we love the plugin, but have no idea what’s happening with it, what’s planned going forwards, and no way to interact as a community of site owners.

    Anyway, entering the URL in the Manage Sites section for Verified Users has resolved the issue yeah, plugin now updated.

    Thanks for your help,



    I am worried about this and looks like UM don’t want to listen their prime customers anymore.

    Learn from Fujifilm Camera how they improve their camera by listening their customer’s voices!

    I’ll wait until next month, if nothing changes I’ll consider on moving to another platform and put my paid UM extensions license on sale.

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    We still listen to our customters and many features we have implemented have been user suggestions. We just had to move to a new support system as managing support via the support forum became completely unmanageable. We recently hired someone to help with support so we can improve support and dedicate more time to development.

    Once we have our backlog of support worked through, our new developer will be working on implementing some of the suggestions on Trello.

    UM will be getting better over coming months. We’ve just had to focus on support recently due to the growth in support requests. But we have been making changes e.g changing to amore efficient support method, hiring staff all with tha aim of improving UM for it’s users and customers.




    Hi Ultimate Member,

    I appreciate your answer here.

    You should then give us updates what exactly will be coming, so we can continue to use UM. As paid customers, we deserve more details. Also please respond the trello board. There are so many post there weren’t answered.

    We want to see the UM growing, because so far UM is good in many things beside what I mentioned above.

    Thank you



    No answer for the questions?

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    We’re not supposed to/allowed to discuss extensions on the WP site. What were the questions you were wanting answered?

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