• I am opening this topic again because an admin marked the old topic as “resolved” when it was not resolved and he also posted a comment that might come across as rude at the end of the thread.

    To sum up what many users are saying is the new block editor defaults to a too narrow of a view. The short feedback from WordPress has been that the theme you are using is outdated and needs to be updated. But logically this does not make a lot of sense. The default block editor chooses a default width…. why not make that default width be dynamically as wide as the browser is at the time? That is, if the theme has no specifications for the width. There is no good reason that has been given that this is not the default behavior. There may be a good reason, but it has not been explains as far as I have seen.

    It is unrealistic to think that thousands upon thousands of non-profit organizations on shoe-string budgets can afford to change their WordPress theme and many feel intimidated by any real coding.

    Using the classic editor plugin is the work around millions of people are choosing. If a WordPress admin wants to again close this thread so that no one can complain, a good way to close it would be:

    1) State the given work around using the classic plugin and state how long it is planned to support this work around.

    2) Link to some online tutorials about how one could go about updating their own theme to be more compatible with the new block editor.

    This would be much more helpful.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by timbobo. Reason: more to the point
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by timbobo. Reason: even more to the point
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Moderator t-p


    To activate Active the Fullscreen Mode, See this for tips

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by t-p.
    Thread Starter timbobo


    FYI – I had not been on the old thread in a while. I had hoped maybe the latest realist would resolve the issue. But I checked and it has not. The previous admin had provided some good feedback in the thread. It was just the closing of the comments that was strangely so rude. He was probably just frustrated with people not seeing that the problem had simple work arounds.

    And I should point out that some of may post were coming out of frustration and probably sounded rude too. So everyone has an off day. I just hope we can get a thread going that has information other can find when hit with this issue.

    1) The work around is to install the classic editor plugin.

    2) You can update your theme, evidently using code here.

    Any other advice admins have can be posted in this thread. And any explanations about why the default width of the Block Editor has to be so narrow might be nice too.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by timbobo.
    Thread Starter timbobo


    Here is the code from the previous admin.
    Look, it’s not difficult to make the thing go full width. Not in the slightest.

    First, look how Twenty Seventeen adds support for block styles:

    function twentyseventeen_block_editor_styles() {
    // Block styles.
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘twentyseventeen-block-editor-style’, get_theme_file_uri( ‘/assets/css/editor-blocks.css’ ) );
    // Add custom fonts.
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘twentyseventeen-fonts’, twentyseventeen_fonts_url(), array(), null );
    add_action( ‘enqueue_block_editor_assets’, ‘twentyseventeen_block_editor_styles’ );
    All the styles and fonts and such are defined there, to let the editor match the look of the site.

    Over in that editor-blocks.css file, scroll down until you find this:

    .wp-block {
    max-width: 674px; /* Based on one-column post width; 644px + 30px to account for padding. */
    Change the max-width to none and voila. Now your editor is full width on the page. Minus a bit of padding.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not a Requests and Feedback topic and I’ve fixed the topic title.

    I am in total agreement about this problem as I’ve obviously been searching for relevant information and/or a solution. Every knowledgeable developer in the WordPress meetups I attend state WordPress’ primary audience is the non-technical end user. It seems the whole point of developing Gutenberg was to make editing easier, and my hope was so that WordPress could better compete with Squarespace and WIX which have WSYWIG built into their interface. As much as I am not fond of the customizer, at least that displays the site properly while you are working if you widen your browser sufficiently. I just tried my first real experience adding content to the block editor and the narrow width was the first frustration. How is a novice user supposed to deal with this? I will also note that although a theme may specify a content width, this should be independent of a theme. The whole reason for developing the (frustrating, stupid, narrower) customizer was so that people could render their content among different themes before making a decision.

    I think I was the last (or one of the very last) people to post on the old thread, right before the admin so rudely closed it.

    As a user experience designer, I can confirm that, especially for novice users (both new to WP or who have only used it a little), but also for experienced but non-technical users, the default edit behaviour when the current theme isn’t Gutenberg-friendly is both disconcerting and frustrating. It is quite unrealistic for any application developer to simply expect every technical administrator of existing sites to change their site’s theme – after all not all 3rd party themes will be updated to work with Gutenberg and even those with a site that uses a custom-built theme may not have a WP theme developer available to update it. Similarly, expecting those with old themes will install a 3rd party workaround plugin is very un-friendly – especially considering that plugin might be discontinued in the future and then they’ll just be right back where they started.

    While knowing what workarounds are available is great, it would be so much better if the default behaviour was to set the editor to full width instead of being fixed to an arbitrarily narrow view.

    1. We are making a change to make it easier and more intuitive to develop web sites.

    2. The editor is half the width now.

    3. There is some code that can be added that might make it like a normal screen editor.

    4. See how much better it all is ?

    5. Oh and you can expect the original editor which worked perfectly well to degrade slowly over time.

    My web site and the ability to edit it is unuseable currently.

    Thankyou whoever “thought this through”.

    In case it helps anyone there is a plug in – probably more than one that makes the editor screen wider.

    At the top of this mess there are buttons to click with words on them which do everything but what you intuitively expect with an existing page you are trying to upgrade. Convert to Blocks makes it look like a table with completely inappropriately sized objects in it. Add block adds a block at the end of the page not where the cursor is. Unbelievable.

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