Yes! That’s what I understood too, more or less.
What’s running on your blog is basically the OpenGraph protocol. It tags things in a language that Facebook (and therefor your app which is the active Facebook Page you have) can understand. So when Facebook is crawling your blog (maybe because someone “liked” it) Facebook knows where is the title, the permalink, the image, the summary, etc. But your app really is on Facebook side.
For you app to be able to connect or talk to your blog, you would have need to integrate the OpenGraph protocol on your blog. Maybe you did this by hand (coding directly into your WordPress files) or with the help of a plugin.
And yes, I didn’t change anything to my app (no coding or programming). All I did –all those instructions I shared above are telling you to do– is to go ahead and jump to the new settings in advance (do the “migration”). You do that by “enabling” the changes which are planned for February 6th. If something breaks in your app (if something is not behaving as usual) than you can disable those change and start running around trying to fix it before February 6th: on that date, the change will be mandatory, i.e. force on you.
If you curious about what’s changing, it’s here:
But really, I’m not a programmer and that’s way above my limited knowledge on this topic.
The main thing is to make sure Facebook is still able to “talk” to your blog, that is to make sure OpenGraph is still configured properly. This is how I use it: when I publish a post, I share the URL on my blog’s Facebook Page. By inputing the URL, I tell Facebook to go a fetch information on my new post (on my WordPress website) in order to render a “snippet” of this post of my blog’s Facebook Page.
I haven’t tested this yet, but if it work I will know that my app will work fine with the coming changes.
Hope this clear things a bit. If anyone else has more information, please do share!