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  • I really like your design… clean, easy to navigate.
    Where did you get the stats plugin/hack?
    Also, I was reading …
    I get bored quickly and always feel a need to tweak, but do you think ita€?s a little too much blue?
    Download Alex King’s Style Switcher. That way you can tweak away and make new designs, but keep your old ones too.

    It is too wide for 800×600 display. Otherwise, terrific. I like the usage of icons for your categories. What plugin did you use for that?

    I think it looks great!

    Thread Starter redsoxnut


    People that browse the net at 800×600 can kiss my ass. ??
    For the categories, I used Category Image(s). Which I really like.
    For the stats I used this hack.
    Thanks for the kind words…going tableless was fun, but kinda tricky.

    Where did you get the stats plugin/hack?
    You can also use :
    From CVS wp-admin/index.php
    <h3><?php _e('Blog Stats'); ?></h3>
    $numposts = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish'");
    if (0 < $numposts) $numposts = number_format($numposts);
    $numcomms = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1'");
    if (0 < $numcomms) $numcomms = number_format($numcomms);
    $numcats = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->categories");
    if (0 < $numcats) $numcats = number_format($numcats);
    There are currently <?php echo $numposts ?> posts and <?php echo $numcomms ?> comments, contained within <?php echo $numcats ?> categories.

    Nice and clean, but nothing special otherwise.

    Thread Starter redsoxnut


    Believe me, for ME, removing all the tables was something special. I never thought I would be able to.
    I know it’s nothing great to look at, but I think it loads pretty quickly and I don’t think there are any browser issues, which was more what I was looking for.

    “People that browse the net at 800×600 can kiss my ass. ;-)”
    “I know it’s nothing great to look at, but I think it loads pretty quickly and I don’t think there are any browser issues, which was more what I was looking for.”
    thats just lame, sorry.

    Thread Starter redsoxnut


    What’s lame?
    And no need to be sorry, but did you know that you’re posting anonymously? Thereby hiding your identity?

    Posting anonymously doesnt mean I cant have an opinion, nor speak it. You have no right to know my identity, or anything for that matter just because I quoted your remarks, and called them lame.
    Does that answer your questions?
    FYI, most people build web sites with their audience in mind. You must obviously be building for yourself.

    Thread Starter redsoxnut


    Thanks for the tip! I’ve filed it away in the circular file.

    800×600 is still about the most common resolution people use for browsing the net. Fine to ignore 640×480, but any design should be able to fit 800×600 without horizontal scrolling.
    Just my $0.02.

    ignore 800×600, as long as it looks fine with 1024 ??

    1. No one is commenting on your site so you are only entertaining yourself.
    2. 800 x 600 is pretty common. Again, you can display it any way you want but if you want readers you should display it the way THEY want. As for kissing your @ss, they’d have to pull your head out of it first.

    Moderator James Huff


    1. Just because no one is commenting, doesn’t mean that no one is reading. Get your logic straight.
    2. I agree, 800×600 is pretty common, but fading fasting. I’m starting to see a good number of commercial web sites that require at least 1024×768.
    It’s actually a nice looking site. Redsoxnut, don’t listen to the above Anon. Check you stats, you’ll realize that you have far more readers than commentators (and they’re not all bots). However, you’d have more readers if your site supported 800×600.

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