• Yes, this is somewhat of an experiment. I’ve implemented a community blog (aimed at people in Austin, TX) where anyone can register and post items, and of course comment on existing items.

    I’ve also tweaked the sidebar, registration, and login process to “hide” the fact this is a blog, it should look like you are just registering in the community, so give that a whirl and let me know what you think!


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  • Clever idea. You should implement some kind of ranking or rating thing whereby things can be pushed down/removed if they are ‘voted off’ by other users.

    Keep the crud off the front page.

    Thread Starter eamgt


    Hey, that’s a good idea. I think I’ve seen plugins for polling or voting, but if not, it probably wouldn’t be that hard to implement…


    Your site did not come up properly in Firefox. When I reloaded the page in IE it worked ok. On my websites – not meant for computer types, I get about 20 % on Firefox. That would be a big number not being able to see the site properly. You may want to work on that.

    Thread Starter eamgt


    That’s odd. I’m running FF on WinXP and the site looks fine. Other people have commented it looks ok on their FF installs. The only other person who has reported problems was running version 1.0 or 1.1 (can’t remember right now).

    Please let me know, what version and in what environment are you running Firefox?


    The above poster is correct.
    I’m also running FF on Win XP.

    Here are problems I see:
    The title “Austin Mania!” sits on top of the “Related Posts” title.
    “Your AD Here” ? sits under the lavender info bar under the first post.

    Thread Starter eamgt


    Ok, what you are describing is what the page looks like before the javascript moves the sidebar over to the right.

    My guess is that either you are not letting the page load completely before you leave, or you have javascript turned off.

    I have been thinking about comming up with a non JS method of getting the sidebar situated in a way that works for all browsers. Maybe I’ll move that up the priority list.

    Thanks for your input.

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