Going though the general look,feel and layout of the site, I must say .. Pat your self on the back as you have a solid site here. The content is easy to read visually and the articles layout are well structured.
I did find the heading for each article a bit confusing as Im not a hardcore comic book fan and the content is not directed to me as a target audience.
I do have a few suggestions that may help the site
1. The header has this text that appears and disappears everytime on mouse over. This is a bit too distracting and I cannot find the need for it unless it’s just for vanity.
2. The articles had a comments form on the right side that seem to be over-shadowing the whole article itself. I would give the comments a lower priority .. or probably would get it back to where it is now once the site shows a lot more comment activity.
3. You should play around with the typography of the site. Headers that are currently bold can be a shade or gray, same applies to the content.
The footer text is all black and this takes away a lot of attention from the content section of the site.
Overall, good stuff here comicbookcritic
Keep the good work rolling