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  • Who writes the articles on your website?

    Simple theme, loads fast, also i see that you have got a very targeted header image. Your blog is updated regularly and the content is also good. It all looks good. Here are some suggestions anyway:

    1) Since you already have the logo on the homepage, would suggest you to just put the same logo on the header or in place of the text above it. It might require some customization though,

    2) Use “-” instead of “,” for the homepage title of your blog. That will improve seo.

    3) Use a better permalink option, /%postname%/ for example. Currently you are using the archive option, which is not exactly seo friendly.

    4) Don’t close the comments, not a good idea.

    5) use social media for your blog, get some facebook/twitter social voting buttons on your blog posts,

    overall, your blog is good, keep adding more content,

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