• Hi, I’ve just created my first blog at https://www.wishfulthinking.co.uk/blog and would be grateful for any feedback.

    I’m completely new to XHTML and found these forums very helpful in putting it together, especially adapting the theme from Letterhead and getting it to validate – so thanks to everyone who has contributed their knowledge here.

    I’d be grateful if someone could check that my RSS feeds and trackbacks are set up properly.

    Thanks in advance,


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  • I’m sure you can find some sites that do that for you. With a little help of Google. However if you just used the standard WP rss why should it validate? The function is buitl right in and only adds your content.

    Thread Starter wishful


    Thanks Martijn. As I said I’m a complete novice to XHTML, so I don’t understand everything you say.

    By ‘do that for you’ I assume you don’t mean giving me general feedback on the site, which I requested? I understood that’s what this forum was for, and checked that other similar requests were well-received before posting.

    If you mean autochecking my RSS feeds with other sites, yes of course I’ve done that but as I said I’m new to this technology, and there’s nothing like a human being confirming that it works/looks OK.

    I don’t understand what you mean by ‘if you just used the standard WP rss why should it validate?’. I understood it was good practice to validate the XHTML code in a blog so that’s what I did. I didn’t mention validating RSS.

    As I said, I would be grateful for any feedback/tips on the blog if anyone has the time.

    Maybe I didn’t understand. So sorry. Thought you wanted the rss validated. As for general comments:
    – the site could use a header
    – menu font size is a bit small
    – maybe use dark grey font instead of black. Black on white is quit hard.
    – use a slightly darker background for the content or the general background.
    – maybe align pictures, run text around them and/or use borders with padding on them

    As for validating: XHTML and RSS can easily be validated by using a validator:
    CSS: https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=https://yoursite
    XHTML: https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=https://yoursite


    Thread Starter wishful


    Thanks Martijn, very helpful. No worries re misunderstanding.

    I’ll change the font sizes and colours when I get a chance. I agree about aligning pics, although had some trouble getting a border around the image, so the text was right up against the image. Will try again.

    Could I ask what you mean by a header? Sorry for my ignorance.


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