• I’ve been working on a new archive structure (similar to these) and would like some feedback and testing help.
    Things to note:
    1) This requires the use of the new permalinks structure and mod_rewrite, if there is a way to do it without these two, don’t ask me. ??
    2) Single day and single post archives still use index.php.
    3) All other archives (including category archives) use a file I’ve created.
    4 The mod_rewrite rules have been modified to allow for 2 and 3 above.
    5) If a date or category isn’t passed to the archives, a list of categories and archives are displayed.
    6) You can click on months and years in the archives to drill down to another archive.
    7) Clicking on a day number, post title, or comment link will send you to index.php and display the appropriate post(s).
    That’s all I can think of for right now. I need to setup a test blog with the default WP install to test this out and make some modifications to the CSS. Once everything is working well, I’ll release the code.
    All feedback is welcome!

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  • The Rewrite lines go in your .htaccess file.

    hmm… I must have missed something or done something wrong maybe. I get the ‘by date’ and ‘by category’ lists on my arch.php page but when I click the links, I get whole posts rather than linked titles.
    Did I miss a step somewhere or did I mess up somewhere? *L*

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    Did you modify the mod_rewrite rules? Looks like they are still pointing to index.php.

    Ooooh!!! I forgot about that! That does make a difference, doesn’t it. *L*
    I knew I had to have been missing something. Working great now! Thanks!!

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    Working great except….try going to one of your single post archives.

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    Try using the mod_rewrite rules I specified in the instructions. It looks as if you’ve replaced all instances of index.php with arch.php in your rules.

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    It appears as if the problem is in arch.php. It looks like the permalinks are getting written correctly since I can get to your single post and single day archives.
    I made some modifications to the instructions this afternoon, are you using those or the ones from this morning?

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    Would it be possible for you to post your arch.php file to the Wiki somewhere or send it to me so I can have a look?

    Nick: on it’s way (through your form on your site.)

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    I haven’t received the email yet, so I may be having some problems with that form. :-/

    Well, if you want to email me at cena AT cox-internet DOT com, I’ll reply with the file . ??

    Oop..plurk, would you mind posting your code in the wiki?

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    I hadn’t posted the actual code…but a link to the code on my site.

    I noticed that, but you also mentioned something about adding something to the wiki. Not that it overly matters now I think. The mess that I made of the forum has been fixed.

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    Well….a link to the code on my site had been added to the Wiki. I just looked and it was gone…maybe I forgot to save it after previewing. It should be there now.

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