• Hi there all!

    Just like to announce that Amazon Media Manager 1.5 for WordPress is now available from https://www.sozu.co.uk/software/amm/

    It’s been a while in coming, but the new version is so far improved from the old one it hardly seems fit to call it 1.5, it should be 5.0 or something BUT, to stay in synch with the wordpress value for which it’s designed we went with 1.5

    The new system has:

    * Inbuilt search
    * Options page for, well, options
    * So many configurable ways to output stuff you’ll hopefully be able to do anything!
    * Support for displaying items in posts using quicktags
    * Go and get it now. ??

    Seriously, head over to https://www.sozu.co.uk/software/amm/ and grab a copy, there might be one or two little bugs we’ve not squashed but on the whole it should be all good.

    Sozu doesn’t have a forum or comment system yet, so for the meantime, keep your eyes on these forums and on https://www.denyerec.co.uk/index.php?p=198 where you can comment for the time being.

    If it calls for it, we’ll start a support thread in here too.


    ** PLEASE NOTE**
    Due to our host, occasionally you may get “Document Contains No Data” when trying to access the Sozu website.

    If this happens, just try again a few minutes later, they’re working out some issues.

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  • wow am I having a great time of it.

    First I installed the wp-amazon plugin and it did not work.

    The this one and firstly it had a conflict with scripgoddess subscribe to topic plugin. So I deactivated that and then I could activate AMM.

    Here is the kicker – In the admin – options – AMM there is nothing at all there just the same as the wp-amazon plugin.

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter denyerec


    You’re one in at least 3,000 who’s hit this issue, and rather confusing it is too.

    I have some questions for you:

    Are you using any admin-side plugins to modify the appearance of the backend?

    What version of wordpress are you using?

    When did you download the AMM source-code, and from where?

    Does your web-host run in Safe mode, or support cURL ?

    The problem you describe is a new one and most confusing. If I can’t think of anything, the best I can do is ask you to send me your blog’s wordpress and ftp login so I may investigate the problem myself.

    Q1 – no
    Q2 – Strayhorn
    Q3 – yesterday, from the source ver amm.1.5.0 @ https://www.sozu.co.uk/software/amm/
    Q4 – I have no idea – how would I find that out (cURL thing)

    Now I have a look under wp – manage – and there is AMM there as well with a bunch of jibberish.

    WordPress database error: [Table 'vanderwe_wrdp1.wp_amm' doesn't exist]
    SELECT DISTINCT amm_productGroup FROM wp_amm ORDER BY amm_productGroup;

    WordPress database error: [Table 'vanderwe_wrdp1.wp_amm' doesn't exist]
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num FROM wp_amm;

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/vanderwe/public_html/somethin-tropical/wp-content/plugins/amm.php on line 661

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1]
    SELECT amm_itemId, amm_title, amm_dateadded, amm_rating, amm_productGroup FROM wp_amm ORDER BY amm_dateadded DESC LIMIT 0, ;

    With the AMM management console under that.

    If you want to take a look at the wordpress. https://somethin-tropical.epaulv.com – register and I will change your access level. Just make a post on the site so I will know you are there, if that works for you.

    edwalter, I follwed denyerec’s instructions and am satisfied with the results. As for the script being included in AMM I was thinking along the lines of automatically adding it to the footer, but yeah – it works just by adding the script manually. I had to wait a few more minutes for it to take effect. I like the Preview because it shows a picture of the book or DVD so I don’t have to. So far though, I’ve earned a whopping $5

    Thread Starter denyerec


    Don’t smirk at $5… We wrote the AMM here and so far have made a total of $1.40 over a year…

    PaulV your problem sounds similar to a guy who was running the Coppermine gallery plugin. Coppermine hi-jacked the WP database object causing the AMM installation to scatter its tables to the wind.

    Have you tried having AMM as the only active plugin, then disabling it and activating it?

    I’m sure we dealt with the database handling in our last bug hunt, but its possible the code never made it to the internet. I’ll check.
    They definately made it.

    The error is not related to cURL, it’s definately a database problem. Does your host have PhpMyAdmin installed, which allows you to review your mySQL databases?

    Yes I can review the database… What do you need to know?

    Thread Starter denyerec


    This would be quicker by IM. If you can email me through my website, we can then get in touch via MSN/ICQ or just emails to prevent cluttering this thread with debug posts!

    lol well I tried https://www.denyerec.co.uk/contact-me/ and no form for contact – from that page I clicked the RSS image in the side bar (because it looked interesting) and got the monkey 404 page… Also the site renders outside of my FFv? horizontal scrolls… blick… grab me at
    paul (dot) vanderwerf (At) gmail (dotting) com

    oh derrrr lol I will try the Sozu email mate…

    Thread Starter denyerec


    The contactform is disabled because the WP-ContactForm plugin is inherently insecure and I have not yet had the time to patch it up. Well spotted on the RSS link though, WordPress’ .htaccess utterly nukes everything and anything else you try to put on a website, so for permalinks it’s a question of “WordPress only” or “Turn them off if you want to stand a chance of anything else working”.

    I’ve amended the problem, still doesn’t make me any happier about wordpress and its htaccess handling, though.

    As for horiz. scrolling, should only happen if you’re on a 1990’s display res of 800×600. 1024×768 or anything remotely sane should be fine!! (If not, please mail me a screenshot as I’d be interested to see the problem)


    Here is what I have found and it seems to be a wordpress problem.

    AMM works by itself with no other plugin activated that have an admin interface.

    When I activate “Kramer” or “WPG2” that have an admin interface AMM does not work.

    The same goes for Kramer and wpg2.

    Basically I can only have one plugin with an admin interface activate at a time.

    Any ideas what is causing this? –

    If only I could work out where I find the “new post” thing – lol drives me nuts trying to figure out where you keep the new question page………

    New topic: on the main forum page, scroll to the bottom. Select the forum in which your question belongs. Scroll to the bottom. Find the topic title and question text entry fields.

    First, sorry if this was covered somewhere here, but I could not find the answer.
    How do I increas the number of items that are displayed. I have 9 in my Manage AMM list, 7 of them show up.


    Update. I figured it out!

    Thread Starter denyerec


    Hey gwoodard, glad you figured it out… Now in the interests of forume etiquette and to assist others who may have the same problem, how’s about letting everyone know what you did to fix it! ?? It’s just good form and all that, you know?

    Ok, so I can’t see if anyone has answered this question here or not but: how do you wrap text around the book images in AMM pages? For example, on my books page the text appears near the bottom of the image, instead of wrapping around it. Is there somewhere I can add an align=”left” tag to the book images?

    Thanks so much!

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