• stosun


    I install and activate plugin, properly. And put a gmail address to be sent form data. But, no email at any inbox or spam box.
    I read following topic at FAQ;
    “I see a response message “Your message was sent successfully” with green border, but I never receive a mail for that.”

    I know, when you read my problem, you will give me the link at FAQ, but it does not solve problem.

    What have I to do rather than checking inbox and spam folder?


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  • robov


    I had the same thing. It seemed that the email address I want to receive notifications is also associated to a user in the same site. When I use a totally different email address then it works as a charm.
    How can I fix this bug ?



    My problem is very similar. When I use my domain name as the recipient address it never arrives, but when I use my gmail address the message does arrive.

    As above I have checked spam folders etc but this does not fix the issue.

    I don’t have any registered users on my site only a couple of admins

    seems a little strange, please help us out, its becoming very frustrating.

    Many thanks



    Almost same problem here. When I use one Gmail email, I get the message.
    But when use another Gmail email, it never comes!

    Thread Starter stosun


    It sends emails only to account email address, not to any other email address.

    I don’t know this issue is related to plugin or hosting server setting.



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