• Meitar


    I’m seeing strange behavior contrary to the WordPress documentation as well as contradicting this WP StackExchange answer regarding the value of the $network_wide argument for plugin activation hooks. Specifically, no matter when/where I test the value of $network_wide, the value is always an empty string. Example code/test case:

     * A test plugin for the network_wide argument.
     * WordPress plugin header information:
     * * Plugin Name: Test Plugin
     * * Plugin URI: https://example.com/
     * * Description: This plugin tests whether or not the network_wide argument is correctly passed.
     * * Version: 0.1
     * * Author: Meitar <[email protected]>
     * * Author URI: https://maymay.net/
     * * License: GPL-3
     * * License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
    function test_plugin_activate($network_wide) {
    register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'test_plugin_activate');

    When activated on a subdomain-based multisite install, this code produces an error:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
    string(0) ""

    My first instinct is to assume I have done something wrong. I am using a VVV multisite development environment and still get this error.

    I have searched Core Trac but the only ticket that seems relevant (ticket:14170) seems to have been closed years ago.

    Am I missing something obvious or is this a regression?

    P.S. I asked this over on StackExchange, too.

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  • jplus2


    I’m having the same issue too, $network_wide variable always empty string.

    Anyone knows what we are missing here?

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