• Resolved ehong33234


    Hello, I installed the plugin and network activated it and backed up each individual site perfectly fine but under the Super Admin Network Dashboard, I don’t see any options for Backup Scheduler. I want to make a backup of the entire network. What is the best way to do this and/or how can I get the settings to show up under the Super Admin Network Dashboard?

    THANKS! Great plugin!


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  • Plugin Author Sed Lex


    There is no way, at the present time to have a network backup … Sorry but it was not intend to do that

    I’m now testing Backup Scheduler on WPMU with WordPress MU Domain Mapping (subsites on different domains). I’m no insider on this but I see in /wp-content/uploads/sites/ 7 folders of multisite installations and in /uploads there are also folders.
    When I now backup the main domain (where WPMU was installed) I get a substantially bigger ZIP file. It seems to include all /sites folders
    Also in the Backup Scheduler settings main domain shows more options for selecting backup content then on additional domains.

    Are those correct assumptions?

    Plugin Author Sed Lex


    In the main blog settings, you may (see options) save all blogs or only your main blog.

    I cannot say much… does this answer is what you expected ?

    Thanks, those options for all blogs where not activated.
    I will test more and maybe discover why the backup file of the main blog is 6-7x bigger.

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