• Hi, love the plugin! Works great as expected. I have a question about the shortcode. How do I nest a shortcode within the Shortcode Redirect shortcode?

    I am dynamically creating Pages using Ninja Forms field data like so:
    [ninja_forms_field id=6]=first name field=John
    [ninja_forms_field id=18]=last name field=Smith

    Using the above two shortcodes, I can easily create a page like so: xyz.com/JohnSmith. I need this to place the Shortcode Redirect code onto this page so that after a few seconds it redirects to another site I’m referring traffic iwth a uniqu GUID added like so: https://123.com/?src=JohnSmith

    I already have the page creation side of things figured out; the next step is how to nest the form data into the Shortcode Redirect code, essentially like so:

    [redirect url='https://123.com/?src=[ninja_forms_field id=6][ninja_forms_field id=18]'?sec='10']

    or as the output should look:

    [redirect url='https://123.com/?src=JohnSmith'?sec='10']

    In other words, the “JohnSmith” part must be dynamic based on the field data entered.



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