Hello, thanks for an answers, but please, add some clarifications.
1) Please, explain/sample? Still is it possible what I asking at #1 previously with Pods or not? If yes how it will be reflected at WooC Product creating/editing form? At right side there are Products Categories, at center at Attributes tab there are a dynamic list of Products Attributes. Is it possible to show at Attributes list only that Attributes which previously was assign to a chosen Category at right? Will Pods also add at WooC Product Attributes list a filter by a Product Categories, etc? Is it possible somehow with your Pods? How assign functionality will look like, do you have a sample video or screenshot?
2) Seems that you don’t understand. I need this possibility to add to a ONE product (one car) – MANY totally different variable attributes blocks (as engines) and each of which must have it’s own totally different variable attributes (engines parameters – a nested attributes (for example petrol engine must have attributes as cylinders and fuel, when electric engine must have a different attributes as battery and placement) maybe even with a variable product possibility). All must act via standard WooC forms and displaying at frontend at single product detailed specifications table. WooC by default does not have such functionality. Is it possible somehow with Pods?
3) Samples? does it needs any coding?
I don’t need to show aт Attributes Terms custom fields at WooC Product creating/editing form, need to show them only at frontend. For example I want to add to a WooC Products Attributes Terms an icons by Pods. Does Pods support a custom icon field for a terms? Does those icons will appear at frontend WooC Single Product “detailed specifications attributes&terms table”? Or which widgets can help to show “all WooC Attributes&Terms table with custom icons?
4) Is it possible with Pods to calculate sum of likes of 3 different plugins – comments, ULike, BuddyPress from different db tables an metakeys?
5) Is it possible with Pods to display all of them at Elementor?
6) If some of those functions are possible with Pods – does it needs any parts of a custom coding?
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by