• Hello,
    A question about the nervous finger option:
    When you write a new post and delete it before the nervous finger time has passed. Will the mail message still be send?
    And if you write a post and save it, without choosing publish. Will the mail message be send?

    Thanks in advance!
    Greets Jorrin

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  • The nervous finger option blocks the sending. If you delete it before it gets sent, it will not send the posting. You can also just edit the post and set sending to No.

    Whether it will be sent depends on your options. You can always set a post not to be sent. If you save a post as template it will not be sent. Otherwise the default value is used. Once a setting is saved, this will not change. E.g.If you don’t send private posts by default and publish it later it will not be sent until you set the sending to yes. This might change in the future, but is a leftover from a time, when this was a much simpler plugin.

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