• I have started developing a new theme for WP 1.5: Neptune. As I see a good number of requests for 3-column layouts, this is what I have chosen to provide. A lot still needs to be done, but the basic layout is ready, and can be seen at https://dev.d10e.net/neptune/

    Comments and requests are welcome. I also have a question: what would you like to see included in the sidebars?

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  • Looks good, Yngwin. The only suggestion I would make is to reduce the width of the left column slightly. Doing so will give you a little more space for the center column as I think it migh be just a little too narrow. I like the colors too!

    Thread Starter yngwin


    Yes, I thought about making the sidebars slightly narrower and giving the center a bit more room, but in general I like narrow columns as they increase readability. Right now there’s about 10 words on a line on the default font size, which is what is recommended by the experts… But I feel the sidebars are quite heavy now, so giving the center more space might restore balance.


    i was wondering how you were doing the left and right nav, are you using php to call it in the main template? i was able to create a 3 column layout but i doing using css. i want to do something where there will be a left navbar and right navbar using php. here is my blog https://www.fusionrain.com/blog



    Very nice template would you like to share with the group.



    In 800×600…. I get scrollbars in both directions…. the left/right scrolling isn’t much, but enough to be annoying.



    I will. I need to do more css cleaning to it. you can copy the css file if you want to experiment with it. the template itself, it used the old default theme, not the kubrick one.


    My hat is off to you guys for doing the 3-column themes. I spent several hours looking for a good layout and then tried to adapt the best one I found to WP 1.5.

    I had this great idea of having it go to a 2-column when a user chose a category, with the category sidebar on the left and go to a different 2-column when a user chose an archive, with the archive sidebar on the right.

    The thing is, I am clueless as to how to do this, so I floundered.

    Keep up the great work!

    ->Yngwin, where’d you get the preview for comments?

    ->Yngwin, I just saw the announcement of your new preview for comments plugin:


    Looks like something I’ve been searching for. I’ll have to check it out.

    I personally have no use for 3 column templates, but I think you did a great job on this one. I hope you continue to share more in the future


    thanks for letting me know about it. i will look into..i am still playing with the css. i have a local copy of wp install in my computer. i need to do more testing.


    Hope you let everyone have a copy when you’re done. It’s a great theme.

    Thread Starter yngwin


    OK, I have done an update. 800×600 users should not see a horizontal scrollbar anymore, and the (middle) content part is a bit bigger in relation to the sidebars. Still small, I know, but that’s the way this theme is going to be. I will do a fluid full-screen 3-column layout next.

    @solarpunk: the flexibility of WP1.5 means I do not need to use just CSS to get 3 columns. I’m using separate divs, that also get called as separate PHP includes (I hope separate files will make things clearer for those who want to customize the code).

    @buffyvs: I personally prefer 2-column layouts as well, but there are already some good looking themes for WP1.5 that use 2 columns (like Kubrick and Manji), and because I see people asking for 3 columns, I thought I’d make such a theme.

    When this theme is (more or less) ready I will release it under the GPL, so everyone can use it. This (among other things) is my way of saying thank you to the WordPress community who give me such a nice tool, that I also use professionally.

    I’d still like to hear ideas about what to put into those sidebars…


    I think the new Neptune Theme is phenominal. As for any additions in the left sidebar, a calendar is always nice. It look fabulous just as it is. You might even consider a weather update link like the Trident Theme.

    I have just installed and set up a test machine for my blog, and am looking at various themes, and yours would be my top choice.

    Thanks for your hard work.


    My hat is off to you guys for doing the 3-column themes. I spent several hours looking for a good layout and then tried to adapt the best one I found to WP 1.5.

    I’m actually working on getting a blog up with Ruthsarian’s Layout also. I’m using the 2 or 3 column layout.

    Ruthsarian 2 or 3 Column

    Separate templates, or static pages with separate style sheets would do the different layouts you are interested in. The CSS is well documented. The CSS off of this page need to be concatinated, I think there is a one-page stylesheet somewhere else on his site…

    I am also interesting in the 3 column template. When is the beta that we can check it out?

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