• Resolved Truefire


    I am needing to have approximately 25 words listed at the top of a page that I will link to various matter contained deeper down said page. I had these words on my old website setup inside of a 3 column table, located at the top of the page. Being tables are not responsive, what can I do to create three columns of organized text (words) without using embedded tables and cells?

    I am certain there might be a plugin that would enable me to do such a thing but I am not familiar with what keyword or terminology to use to search for such.

    I want the words to be in three neat columns with equal spacing along the vertical and horizontal axises between the words. Any thoughts, suggestions or forwards?

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  • If you want a responsive table, CSS is your new main goal in life. Here’s a good example you can pick through:


    Without more context or an example, it’s hard to me to say exactly how to do this, but I would think just inserting the table code as you’ve crafted it into the page or post body at the top of the page would suffice, unless said words need to be dynamically created.

    Thread Starter Truefire


    Johnathan, thanks for chiming in. I’ve got what you are saying but not quite sure how and where to implement or add said code without totally obliterating all of my hardwork thus far. I have worked with coding in the past and built some template based websites but used software to do so.

    I am just not that familiar with this whole CSS. I am afraid that I might mess up my work thus far and not be able to repair if I add the string of code in the wrong location or something.

    Could you advise?
    Thanks, Chris

    The CSS portion of the table would exist in between the <head> and </head> tags in your theme’s header.php file or if you use custom CSS, via Appearance > Custom CSS in your WordPress Administration panel. You can edit things like the colors and fonts as you see fit.

    The actual <table> will exist wherever you want to show it. This could be in a single page you create, a blog post, widget, etc. The CSS will be present on every page and work for as many copies of the table you want to display.

    Here’s the CSS from the above example that’ll get you on the right track.

    Everything above the/* ### */ are settings for adjusting the design. Everything below that is for adjusting the size when the browser window changes.

    Here’s the HTML for the table. Looks pretty plain, but that’s good. CSS took care of all the design elements.

    if you’re new to CSS, CodeAcademy has a great course on how it interacts with HTML. it’s free, and easy to follow along with.

    I hope that helps!

    Thread Starter Truefire


    Thank you so much for such a comprehensive response and for replying. I appreciate that so much; both the thought to reply and the reply itself. Very thorough.

    I do have a question remaining. Would I need to insert this code into a child theme? If so, I am not quite clear about how to create the child theme. I have downloaded a ‘child theme plugin’ and can access the side by side comparisons of the original theme and the child theme. Everytime I insert strings of code, provided by another, into the child theme, its all to no avail. Whenever I ‘view site’ after I have added some code, –nothing!

    Should I be copying the code from the original theme over into the child theme ‘write space’ and then insert this string of code accordingly? Or is there a better method?

    Also, regarding the table, you mentioned that once installed that CSS would be in my code for every page. I really don’t want that, i just want to add a responsive table of the sorts to only one page. Could you advise?

    Thanks for anything

    When inserting said table code do I need to stay above the /* ### */

    I placed that divider in there as a visual aid to show you where you can make stylistic changes if necessary, nothing more.

    I am unfamiliar with that plugin, so I can’t say for sure how to use it properly, unfortunately.

    If you feel comfortable editing your original theme (a backup is always nice just in case things go crazy) you would place the whole of the CSS in your style.css file.

    The HTML would be inserted wherever you’re editing and creating content and would call upon that CSS when the page loads, just like the rest of the theme.

    Thread Starter Truefire


    I’m sorry Johnathan as much as I understood about your prior post with all the links, details and such, I respond with a question that you basically had already answered. It wasn’t until I read that second post of yours again that I really understood what you were conveying.

    You laid it on the table very well but I missed it the first read through, although I did indeed read it.

    I understand now. I must insert a portion of code into the CSS portion of my site and ‘then’ insert HTML -in this case that table code- right where I want it. I was of the understanding that a site used one or the other and that if sites, such as wordpress which are repsponsive sites then ‘said’ site is written in css.

    Now, for the first time, I understand that is not the case and that I have failed in that area of understanding all along. And heck, I even have taken a website building course in college, self taught prior to that and have a book on hand which happens to be parked beside me. Apparently, I’ve never read it through…uhgg!

    Thanks so much for all of your help.


    No worries! Glad I could help.

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