vkaryl, you’re exactly why people who used to post here with important and useful information no longer post here. You’re like mac users who can’t resist responding to posts pertaining to windows and visa versa. In your first post above, you had no opinion, but you couldn’t help but to post something, even though it didn’t contribute to the original post to begin with. And why in the world would I be trying for link love? What is the benefit of that? If that were the case, I would’ve posted it under Your WordPress. As stated plainly in my original post, I’m looking for opinions, that’s it, nothing more, nothing less. And how is it outside the field of this forum? It’s posted in Miscellaneous and not as a support question.
You need to look up the definition of bad karma because you are the epitome of bad karma.
No need to reply, I won’t be responding to any other posts that don’t warrant a response. Geez get a life…