• I’v been continously facing a very strange problem with my blog, before writing here, I had written about the error to my web host, but as usaual, they have shown their inability to support 3rd party software’s.

    [b]Blog config details:[/b]

    WordPress URL: https://www.ditii.com/blog
    Blog URL: https://www.ditii.com
    Permalink: /blog/%year/%month/%day…..

    public_html: Index.php

    blog root: /blog/index.php

    The problem that I’m facing is as described under:

    1. whenever I try to loging to my blog, I always gets [b]404 not found[/b], after 5-10 retry’s, if I gets login, and if I click any of the function in WordPress Admin panel, again I get [b]404 not found[/b].

    Least to say, I cann’t login, logout or do anything in my WordPress Admin panel.

    2. When I make a post through XMLRPC based desktop client, say blogjet, I always gets following error. Sometimes the post gets uploaded to blog even after the error, and at other times, it doesn’t.

    [b]Error code:
    HTTP/1.1 404 error[/b]

    Can anyone here guide me to solve these two problems.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter Rok


    Please read the above line:

    Permalink: /blog/%year/%month/%day…..


    Permalink: /blog/%year%/%month%/%day%/…..

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