Hi there,
We’d love to assist you on that but currently there is no built-in option to do that in Kadence.
One way I can suggest moving forward with this is through manual overriding of an email template file by using the Child theme method.
One caveat though is you need to be familiar with Child theming and be pretty comfortable with a programming templates: https://kadence-theme.com/knowledge-base/advanced/what-is-a-child-theme-should-i-install-one-if-so-how/
So for example, if you want to override the email notification for a completed order, you would need to replicate the file from /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/emails/email-order-items.php
Copy and paste that on a “new folder” on your child theme. Rename the “new folder” into the name of the plugin you copied it from. In this case, it should be something like /wp-content/themes/your_child_theme/woocommerce/email-order-items.php
Also, I recommend you submit a feature request here: https://feedback.kadencewp.com/b/theme-feature-requests
Please note, we don’t have a firm timeline on when or if that might be developed.
We appreciate your continued patience and understanding regarding this matter.
Kind Regards,
Michael Taro