• I have a need to pass two bits of user input information from ‘Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin (AWPCP)’ over to ‘Events Manager’.

    The first: Their Username as appears in prefilled field in AWPCP. That occurs within this code in the AWPCP plugin file called:

    – page-place-ad-order-step.tpl.php


    <?php if (awpcp_current_user_is_admin()): ?>
        <h6><?php _ex('Select your username for this listing', 'place listing order step', 'AWPCP')?></h6>
        <?php echo $page->users_dropdown(awpcp_array_data('user', '', $form), $form_errors); ?>
        <?php endif ?>

    The Second: User Selected Category Item (one item they would select from a dropdown list of several predefined choices, (i.e.) ‘Urgent’, ‘Today’, ‘Tomorrow’. etc.)

    From this file:



    <?php if ($ui['category-field']): ?>
            <p class="awpcp-form-spacer">
                <label for="add_new_ad_cat"><?php _e('Listing Category', 'AWPCP') ?></label>
                <select class="required" id="add_new_ad_cat" name="ad_category">
                    <option value=""><?php _e('Select Your Listing category', 'AWPCP') ?></option>
                    <?php echo get_categorynameidall($form['ad_category']); ?>
                <?php echo awpcp_form_error('ad_category', $errors) ?>
            <?php endif ?>

    Each of these two items need to find their way to the file:

    ‘event-editor.php’ within the Events Manager Plugin as invisible input fields that process when the user submits Event Manager form data.

    What would be the best approach to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance for your time and consideration!


    WordPress 3.7.1

    AWPCP 3.0.1

    Events Manager 5.5.5

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