did you look at the code in developer tools @daylay?
Because when I reviewed it yesterday before replying it looked to me like the menu in question was the primary menu. that’s why I provided the solution I did.
I’ve been working with WordPress since 2006 I know what parts of the code to look at before providing a solution.
Please see that I posed a question when originally making the point about looking at the code. I did not criticize you. I merely posed a question that was never answered until now. The fact that you said:
willing to provide as much help as possible while out & about on my mobile before reaching my iMac at home.
This would lead me to think that you were on a mobile device when you originally answered and said “You MAY have your menu set to secondary menu.” The fact is, my post was made a few hours before yours and I had reviewed the code before making my suggestion… so my suggestion was based on the fact that the menu was set as the primary menu. Therefore, making your suggestion of setting it as the primary quite useless.
In any event, I am sorry that you felt I was being hypocritical and/or bias… that is and never was my intent. I am turning off notifications again now that this conversation is all but over. I will check back in a day or two to see if @askteetravel has replied.