It does not include a bold version, it is using Quicksand Light and Quicksand Book. There is a Quicksand Bold Version, but you would need to download the font here, then go to the cufon font generator here, then add the JavaScript file it produces to the template directory “wp-content/themes/elegance/js/”.
Then, you’d have to figure out where the Cufon code is generated in this theme and alter the Cufon tags to change the #top-navigation li a to use the bold font instead of the Quicksand Light font.
The theme author would be able to answer the question about where the code is being generated from, but you may want to at least check the header.php file first to see if it’s there.
The code you are looking for is:
<script type="text/javascript">
Cufon.replace('h1') ('h1 a') ('h2') ('h3') ('h4') ('h5') ('h6') ('#box p') ('.text-styled') ('.desc') ('blockquote') ('#top-navigation li a', {
hover: true
Cufon.replace('#slider .bottom', { fontFamily: 'Quicksand Book' });
Cufon.replace('h2.entry-title', { fontFamily: 'Quicksand Book' });
When you find it, you would want to remove the #top-navigation li a bit, then add it as it’s own line item at the bottom like this:
Cufon.replace('#top-navigation li a', { fontFamily: 'Quicksand Bold' });
Beyond that information, there’s not a lot else we can do here. The theme author would be the next person to pick up the ball and help you find the correct place to edit the Cufon markup. Be sure to follow those other steps first so that he or she will need to do nothing more than tell you where to make the edits.
Also, since we have left the realm of “Needing to make the top navigation go across the whole site” and into some other unrelated topics, I would mark this as resolved, attempt to follow the instructions above about Cufon then open another thread if you run into another issue.
Good luck!!!