Need to GET the slug value for use in another data table…
In an earlier problem, which is related this one, I need to get the ID of a Tag. t31os_ gave me this for the tag_ID:
<?php echo get_query_var('tag_id'); ?>
That’s not working for the slug. I’m trying:
<?php echo get_query_var('slug'); ?>
I want to get the Slug so I can then match it with a column in another table within my WP database. Any help?
Yes, that is the only additional query, and I moved my custom table into the WP database. It was causing conflicts with the widgets. I’m assuming you think the code I have should work, at least the syntax looks good. Right?
Am I in the correct file too, post.php?
If you have them in the same database, then even easier and dead simple to hook an action onto post saves..
Although a little unrelated, this page has a good example of hooking onto the save status of posts/pages… information on interacting with the database. that does is just confuse me right now. I don’t really need to learn the kitchen sink right now, just basics for my need. The rest can come later, as I apply what I’ve learned.
So I create a function…assuming it’s the query above I posted. At the end of it I add:
add_action('publish_post', 'name_of_function');
Is that right?
And why can’t I just use a regular query in the correct location?
Can you give me a better idea of what you should happen when a post is saved in relation to your own custom table in the database..
An exported row from that table plus an example of what a typical update does/changes would really help…
The $wpdb class has several functions you can use to update, insert or drop from the database..
Plugin code it’s a case of..
add_action('save_post', 'myplugin_perform'); /* When a post or page is saved */ function myplugin_perform( $post_id ) { global $wpdb; // Verify if this is an auto save routine. if ( defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) return $post_id; // Check permissions if ( 'page' == $_POST['post_type'] ) { if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_page', $post_id ) ) return $post_id; } else { if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) ) return $post_id; } // Do your own stuff here.. return; }
Basic of basic examples…
Then look at some form of prepare -> update statement..
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->tablename SET ( field1, field2 ) VALUES ( %d, %s )",$var_with_value1, $var_with_value2 WHERE x = y) );
I’ve not used the prepare method before, i but think the format above is correct, only examples i could find dealt with inserts… , you can use wp->get_results(“SOME QUERY”) if you find that easier..
In the above, %d tells the function this value is expected to be an integer, %s a string, then variables $var_with_value1, and $var_with_value2 are the variables holding data that go into the values, in matching order.. (works like sprintf).. field1 and field2 being the corresponding database columns/fields..
I’ve been playing with some code and managed to successfully update a row in another table each time a post is saved…. it’s as simple as the above basic example…
If you only need this update to occur on the creation of new posts, and not after editting, then yes i think you might be able to hook onto the publish_post action instead..
Play around and see what works.. (you could proberly use the code in your theme’s function file for what it’s worth)…
I just want this to work:
mysql_select_db("jwrbloom_wpHHR"); $wp_tagID = get_query_var('tag_id'); $wp_slug = get_query_var('tag'); $query ="UPDATE wp_playerRank-backup SET wpID = '$wp_tagID' WHERE wpSlug = '$wp_slug'";
When an Author, presumably me most of the time, Posts, there will be Tags attached to that Post. For each Tag, I want it to find the matching ‘tag’ (Slug) in my custom table and Set the wpID column in that row with the same ‘tag_id’.
I need to know where to put that or even a function. I probably need a foreach loop now that I think about it. I didn’t when I applied the Update query directly in my table to retrofit the wpSlug data retrofitting Slugs to my previously created 449 rows of data.
I don’t think you can use the regular mysql functions inside WordPress..
I’ve been playing with some code and come up with this for updating the table for you…. a post or page is saved 2 queries are performed (it would have been several using a loop).
First a query is done to grab the tag ID and slug, then a second that updates all the necessary entries in the secondary table (definable at the top)… Matches are made by slug, and the ID updated…
For the second query i used some clever php/mysql to make the update work in one single query. However this may not work on some server configurations, so you’ll have to try it and see (it will save looping over each tag and doing one query per tag)…
Took a little bit of testing, but it’s working on my test install…
Update query is based on the information gave earlier….
Hope that helps.. ??
You can use regular MySQL functions inside WP, at least through PHP. I’m using them in a couple of places, just standard Select commands. I was able to do it with my custom table in its own database, but that did create conflicts with some widgets. Moving the table to my WP database eliminated those conflicts.
Which file are you calling or putting that function?
Where are you defining which table to Update? I’ve been testing the on the backup one. I’d need to change it eventually.
Just create a file in the plugins folder..
Call it anything you like (with a .php extension), then plonk the code in, rename the value next to S_DB, so “wp_test” was my test table (rename that to suit)..
It’s not perfect, but i was eager to see if i could do it.. the bottom query was interesting, not used the “case” statement in mysql queries before….(googled for “php mysql update multiple rows single query”)..
Let me know how it works out for you… ??
And it’s just going to work? I don’t have to call the function or include the file anywhere? ??
Other then activating it yes that’s it..
You’ll have to adjust it in the necessary areas.. but yes for the most part i’ve just saved you all the trouble of writing one… ??
I’m not a developer though, so i’ll make no guarantees about how well it will work and whether the methods are safe….
I’ve given you a starting point if it needs improvement in any case.. ??
I created the file and saved it in the plugins folder. It’s not Updating my custom table with the Tag ID in the appropriate row.
Edited this entry.
Uhm…yeah….it worked. I forgot to activate it. ??
The more I looked at it, the more the code made sense. I get stuck with all the variables. I was thinking of digging in tomorrow and making a function, and it dawned on me that I had not activated it. I was trying to figure out how the plugin worked since I didn’t a-c-t-i-v-a-t-e it…DOH!!!
Pretty cool. Pretty impressive. Thanks!
Glad i could help.. ??
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