Hi Terry,
I’m not sure of any Google extensions that offer the capability you’re looking for, but if you have SSH access to your webserver then you can use the “grep” command to find the code you’re looking for. Most hosting providers offer customers the use of creating SSH keys, so you can either sign in (if you already have keys set up) or create new keys. Once you’re logged into your webserver then you can run the “grep” command followed by the code you’re looking for.
For example, if you’re looking for all function calls within your site such as “json_encode”, then you would type out “grep -r json_encode”. This will recursively look through your entire site’s filesystem (depending on where you type this command), and look for all instances of “json_encode”. The grep command will return a list of all the files and subdirectories that contain this string.
From there, you can work your way down into the code and find what you’re looking for.