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  • Anyone come up with a solution to this?

    I am also having the same issue with needing to click the overlay so you can start start swiping images

    Same problem for me! If this is fixed, I’ll gladly donate some cash. For now it’s unusable ??

    Thread Starter moshfeu


    If I remember, you need to hide the fancybox overlay with display: none !important within mobile’s media query.

    Hi there!

    There is a little “error” in the

    I just added “ngg-” and everything works fine ??

    //Remove fancybox effect:

    Hope this works for you too.

    Thank you _gk0! That sure helped me out too!

    Thank you! This did the trick for me as well!


    Is there any other trick that I might have missed? I did added the ngg- part I did changed the if part from this post
    , but no lock still gray appears before you could actually see the files

    Any idea where I’m wrong?


    Hi Ivian!

    Does your ngg-photoswipe.js look like this? Look especialy on the bottom “//Remove fancybox effect:”

    //Ready for photoSwipe!
    	if (jQuery(".ngg-gallery-thumbnail a").length > 0) {
    		jQuery(".ngg-gallery-thumbnail a").photoSwipe({
    			captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay: 0,
    			getImageCaption: function(el){
    				psTitle = jQuery(el).find("img").first().attr("alt");
    				psDescription = jQuery(el).attr("title");
    				psCaptionString = "<strong>" + psTitle + "</strong>";
    				if (psDescription.length > 1) {
    					psCaptionString = psCaptionString + '<div class="ps-long-description"><small>' + psDescription + '</small></div>';
    				psImgCaption = jQuery(psCaptionString);
    				return psImgCaption;
    	//Remove thickbox effect:
    	jQuery('a.thickbox').removeClass ("thickbox");
    	//Remove lightbox effect:
    	//Remove highslide effect:
    	//Remove shutter effect:
    	jQuery('a[class^=shutterset]').removeClass (function (index, css) { return (css.match (/\bshutterset\S+/g) || []).join(' '); });
    	//Remove fancybox effect:

    Hope you find the solution in this code. Good Luck!

    PS: The images on your website are extremly too large. Ideal web-optimized image size is 960px in width and use JPEGmini

    Hi _gk0

    Thanks for the answer, will check your suggestion

    For the moment I succeed to not have that anymore by selecting from NGG no lightbox effect, which works for me.


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