Need to add heading in between checkboxes
if(!$ids) return $scanned_tag; foreach($ids as $id) { $id = $id; $cat = get_the_terms($id, 'event-cat' ); $data = get_field('start_date',$id ).' - '.get_field('end_date',$id ).' / '.$cat[0]->name.' / '.get_the_title($id); $scanned_tag['raw_values'][] = $data. '|' . $data; } $pipes = new WPCF7_Pipes($scanned_tag['raw_values']); $scanned_tag['values'] = $pipes->collect_befores(); $scanned_tag['pipes'] = $pipes;
I am using this code and its working. i am populating checkbox from custom post using wp_query but problem is i want to add heading before checkbox. if we can add seprate attribute in span then i can manage or any other suggestions ?
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