If you know basic PHP, this is very easy to do. Open the pixelovely_testimonial.php file. Find the array variable $optionsForPIXELovelyTestimonials
You will need to add a nested array similar to the others already in this array.
You’ll notice that the text field is generated thusly:
‘name’ => ‘Attribution’,
‘type’ => ‘text’,
‘optionname’ => ‘post_title’,
‘description’ => ‘A name, initials, title, nickname or other handle to identify who is being quoted.’)
You can make a copy of this and add your open name and option name. You can then access this meta data using the normal wordpress Meta Data functions. The meta key will be the value for “optionname” that you specify.
Be aware that each time you update the plugin, your changes will be overwritten.