Hello! Thanks so much for your message! I’d be happy to address your inquiries as follows:
– is not happy with the run-on appearance of the text in the description – no color other than the title – no spaces a mess
I’m sorry for this! This is usually a result of the theme you’re using on your website. If you could send us a screenshot to see it (because you mentioned that the site is pw-protected) we can see what could be happening. But in general, your calendar should look more or less like this:
– she doesn’t want people to have to click to view all the information should be in the initial view – they are not long
Have you tried using the excerpts yet? Maybe if you use them, or find a plugin that is compatible with custom post types, the description will appear there, although the link to the individual event will not disappear.
2. would like a ‘read more’ if we can’t extend the amount of text shown.
In this case, you can try to find the “Continue Reading” string, and replace it with “Read more” instead. For this, you can use our .po files and edit them with Poedit, but if you are not familiar with using language files, you can download a plugin like this to assist you:
3. Why does the featured image show up under the title when the event is clicked on?
That’s our normal template. If you’re using a page builder like Elementor or something similar, or are versed on CSS, you may be able to change it rather quickly. If you’d like assistance on this, let us know once your website is live and we can give you a pointer on where to do this.
Hope this helps but please let us know if you need anything else!