Home / Plugin: WooCommerce / Need hook to custom content
2 years, 2 months ago
Hi team.
Could you add a filter hook to ReviewsListTable::review_type_dropdown $item_types row:1330 in next update
I need add more filter option. Thanks
Hi there @thanhtd
Thank you for contacting us!
I understand you’d like to have a filter function added to review_type_dropdown().
The best place to post this request is on the WooCommerce GitHub Repository:
You can submit this as a feature request there.
That said, could you tell us what you are trying to achieve? We’d be happy to point you in the right direction.
Thank for your reply.
I’m Faview plugin’s author. I need option to filter virtual review, my customer need that to can remove these reviews.
I can do that via JS, but that is not a good idea so I need a filter hook.
Hello @thanhtd,
I’m Faview plugin’s author. I need option to filter virtual review, my customer need that to can remove these reviews. I can do that via JS, but that is not a good idea so I need a filter hook.
Thanks for adding more context. As my colleague mentioned, please request this filter via, where the development for the WooCommerce plugin takes place.
This forum is mostly focused on resolving issues with core configuration and its intended functionality.