Hi Kiran,
I’ve never found the missing styles.css file issue before. Also, I wouldn’t normally download a plugin and install it from zip. I’d just install it from WordPress Admin (Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > search > etc).
It would be difficult for me to help you work out what’s causing the missing styles.css file, as you’ve said “it says…”, without making it clear what “it” is. Sorry if that sounds pedantic, but it’s really only possible to help if you can write out a list of the steps you’ve taken, and been as specific as possible about where error messages are being shown. That would allow someone here to try to reproduce the problem and help you.
The solution that you’re looking for sounds complex and specific to you. I don’t have enough time to find out your needs and specify a solution for you. I’ve built several WordPress sites that function like databases, and I think Pods can work very well for this.
However, Pods is not a simple plugin. It is very powerful and flexible, but there’s a learning curve you’ll need to climb. I think my suggestion, if you have time, and if you can get Pods installed without errors, would be to take a week or two to learn to build some things with Pods in your spare time, and that will help you evaluate whether it could be an option for you.
But I wouldn’t have recommended you go to that effort if I didn’t think there was a reasonable chance it could work out for you.
Your requirement seems to be:
- Enter information on a page
- Send that information to another page when you click “Submit”
- Have the second page use that information to query the database and return matching results
If you have a look at this page on a site I built last year, it does exactly this using Pods to build the data structure (the fields of information that is stored for each Teacher), and to build the query form:
It’s essentially a simple search engine. But I could just as easily have had the system look up a Teacher according to an ID, or postcode – producing just one result.
It wasn’t quick or easy to build that. You’ll either need some PHP experience to use the Pods API to include form fields on the front end (their documentation is very good and helpful with this). I’m a bit mediocre with PHP, but got lots of help from Pods’ Slack channel, where folks are very friendly and inclusive. If writing PHP is not appealing, then you’ll find add-ons for Pods that help you build on top of Pods without coding: https://pods.io/plugins/
Does this help at all?
Best wishes,