• nmwando


    damn this damn host company only gives you one mysql database. so heeeellllllppp. i just need to find out if theres anyone out there that has set up his or her blog on this website. thanks. all help is welcome.

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  • Well upon further review, it looks like WordPress doesn’t need you to chmod anything before the install…so guess that idea’s is out the window.

    LoL…Thanks anyways.

    I’m using Wise-FTP, that comes with the hosting. And the Binary protocol. Anyone…?


    Always transfer your php files as TEXT (ASCII)…. never as binary… Now I’m wondering of that’s the problem… a file as gotten cocked up due to binary transfer.


    I have 1&1.com and Wise and it has caused me nothing but problems (the Wise-FTP, that is). I have had to delete and re-upload almost as many files as I haven’t. If you’re using FireFox, get the FireFTP extension (it’s free) and you’ll have far fewer problems.

    I’ll retransfer! Haha. I’ll let you know as soon as I’m done

    Still doesn’t work. Just a different error message!

    I personaly use SmartFTP…. don’t forget to set php to transfer as ASCI text…. I don’t think it comes pre-setup in most FTP clients…. at least I’ve always had to set it up myself.

    — So what error message do you get now?


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: rewrite_rules() in /homepages/26/d121343404/htdocs/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php on line 14

    What gives? It shouldn’t be this hard.

    Did you successfully get through the install?

    The only other thing I can think of to do is to offer my direct services, if you are willing to hand overthe keys of the kingdom for a few minutes, I can try to see what’s going on. All I would need is the following, your db connection info (that would be what you put into the wp-config file) and a way to connect via FTP to your site.

    You can contact me via tg AT tannagh DOT com.

    Something isn’t quite right. I’ve done several installs at 1and1 and never seen this problem before.

    Let me know what you decide.


    For those who find themselves in here that may have similar problems, this was resolved. Looks liek a couple of files got mixed up and corrupted. A fresh download of WP, editing the correct wp-config.php file and a re-upload (using ASCII mode) fixed the problem.


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