rareexample wrote :“I am successfully using a custom template for the static front page but my posts page is not using the custom template I created for it. It is defaulting to index.php.”
Heuh… Of course…
I suggest these reading as your next step :
rareexample wrote :I am trying to have my static posts page display a list of posts in a right column and want to display the actual content I enter in the wysiwyg to display on the left column. So how do i display a list of posts as well as the content of the static page?
A “static posts page”… Such a thing doesn’t exist in the WordPress vocabulary… ??
Well, it’s totally possible, but you’ll need to go deeper in your template and wordpress knowledge. Start with the documentation I gave you above… Also, search for “post in pages” in this forum.
But I can give you a hint :
1) In the template page you use, you have what we call a “loop”… This loop display the content of the PAGE you wrote in the WRITE PAGE wordpress admin section. And nothing else…
2) You can divide your page template in two columns, by using css floats divs or a table… So, if you want the content of the PAGE to be displayed in the first column, put the loop of your template page there.
3) In the second column, you could put another loop with a “query_posts” to display the POSTS…
That is… When you will call this PAGE, as your home page for instance, WordPress will understand the first loop to display this PAGE content you wrote in. Then, in the second column, you ask wordpress to also display some POSTS with another loop based on a query_posts
Of course, this is not an out-of-the-box possibility, you’ll have to play with the css to style your page, your columns, the width of each content, etc…
Good luck.