• After installing your plugin I began receiving an error no my webpage and can’t seem to get it back to normal. I’m using the Custom Community theme and this is the error I receive

    Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/content/73/8789473/html/wp-content/themes/custom-community/admin/config.php on line 19

    Warning: array_shift() [function.array-shift]: The argument should be an array in /home/content/73/8789473/html/wp-content/themes/custom-community/admin/config.php on line 19

    When I look at link 19 on the config.php there is nothing different from today’s code to the code from the beginning of the month. We had an older version of the theme running and so I tried to update it and it didn’t help the issue. Has anyone else come across this issue?


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