Need help with a save action
Two questions, any idea why this wouldn’t be saving properly. And, as an aside I have some debug data being emailed to myself, however, I keep getting emails that start with “no nonce or…” or “xxx <– the time”, how is it possible that something isn’t getting placed in front of the “xxx <– the time”
add_action('save_post', 'sagecalendar_save_post'); function sagecalendar_save_post($post_id){ // verify this came from the our screen and with proper authorization, // because save_post can be triggered at other times $mailmessage = time()."<--the time \r\n POST VALS \r\n ".print_r($_POST, true). "\r\n"; if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['sagecal_nonce'], plugin_basename(__FILE__) )) { $mailmessage = "No nonce or nonce failed value" . $_POST['sagecal_nonce'] ."\r\n". $mailmessage; sagecal_sendmail($mailmessage); //just mailing myself values from this trying to figure out whats up return $post_id; } if ('post' == $_POST['post_type']) { if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id )) $mailmessage = "adfsadfasdfsafsadfsafasddfasafsdafascan't edit \r\n ". $_POST['sagecal_nonce'] ."\r\n". $mailmessage; sagecal_sendmail($mailmessage); return $post_id; } // OK, we're authenticated: we need to find and save the data if (!isset($_POST['sagecal_add_event'])){ $mailmessage = "fas fasd ddf asdas fsa fsa fassagecal_add_event not set \r\n " . $_POST['sagecal_nonce'] ."\r\n" . $mailmessage; sagecal_sendmail($mailmessage); //post not included only save include status if(!update_post_meta($post_id, '_sagecal_add_event', "0", true)){ add_post_meta($post_id, '_sagecal_add_event', "0", true); } } else{ $mailmessage = "fasdf asdf saddfa sdf asdf sfdupdating \r\n " . $_POST['sagecal_nonce'] ."\r\n".$mailmessage; sagecal_sendmail($mailmessage); //post is to be included save all data if(!update_post_meta($post_id, '_sagecal_add_event', "1", true)){ add_post_meta($post_id, '_sagecal_add_event', "1", true); } // building save data array $sc_data_arr = array(); $sc_date = $_POST['sagecal_date_month'] . "/" . $_POST['sagecal_date_day'] . "/" . $_POST['sagecal_date_year']; $sc_data_arr['date'] = $sc_date; $sc_time = $_POST['sagecal_time_hour'] . ":" . $_POST['sagecal_time_minute'] . " " . $_POST['sagecal_time_am']; $sc_data_arr['time'] = $sc_time; $sc_data_arr['recurrence'] = $_POST['sagecal_recurrence']; $sc_rdays = array(); $sc_rdays = $_POST['sagecal_days']; $sc_data_arr['days'] = $sc_rdays; //$sc_data_arr['datain'] = print_r($_POST, true); //$sagecal_data = serialize($sc_data_arr); if(!update_post_meta($post_id, '_sagecal_event_data', $sagecal_data, true)){ add_post_meta($post_id, '_sagecal_event_data', $sagecal_data, true); } } }
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