• Hi! I’m pretty new to wordpress, and I need help installing the wp-grins plugin. I read the read-me, but I don’t understand it….especially the part about, the my-hacks.php. What is that? And how do i wp-grins file into the my-hacks.php file?

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  • If you have the plugin, upload it to your plugins directory.
    Then activate
    Then put the code into – presumably – comments.php

    In comments.php in the Classic theme, is this line:#
    <p><textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="100%" rows="10" tabindex="4"></textarea></p>

    Put the code directly before that.

    And the my-hacks files ? That’s very old stuff – just shows how old the plugin is and how it’s not yet been bettered ??

    Hey podz…hoping you or someone else can help RE: wp grins. I have it in WP2.0 and was working fine. Now all of the sudden the smilies don’t show in the posts…they still show on the admin panel and the commments area and in comments they are still clikable…just the pic doesn’t show up. And in the admin for some reason the smile pics are there but not clickable now. Any ideas?

    If you make a post with lots of smilies in, then post here with a link it’ll be easier to help ??

    Here is a post that should have a smiley “:badgirl:” in the first line. https://www.divaknitting.com/blog/?p=224

    Sorry Ju1ie…didn’t mean to hijack…I wasn’t sure if I should do a new post since my problem was kind of the same as yours.

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